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Pricing: #Freemium

Welcome to the world of FigFlow, an innovative tool designed to streamline the product development process by transforming Figma design files into user stories with ease. FigFlow addresses a common challenge faced by product teams: the time-consuming task of converting design concepts into actionable tasks for development sprints. As a solution, FigFlow offers a seamless transition from design to development, ensuring that creating products is a smooth operation.


FigFlow boasts several key features that make it a powerful ally for product teams:

  1. User Stories Written In Minutes: Quickly turn Figma files into a collaborative product backlog.
  2. Integration with Figma: OAuth Figma Integration allows for easy transformation of projects into backlogs.
  3. User Story Generation: The AI assistant effortlessly converts Figma files into user stories.
  4. Acceptance Criteria Generation: Generate a first draft for User Acceptance Criteria based on the user stories and design.
  5. AI Estimation: Receive initial story point estimates from AI to help gauge the project’s scope and budget.
  6. Design Integration: Directly add screenshots to the appropriate user story without exporting design screens separately.

How It Works

FigFlow simplifies the backlog creation process with the following steps:

  • Create a workspace for your team within FigFlow and start uploading your Figma projects.
  • Utilize the FigFlow AI Assistant to help write user stories that fit your needs, voice, and tone.
  • The AI assistant will also generate acceptance criteria and provide initial story point estimations.
  • For enhanced collaboration, invite team members and stakeholders to co-create and refine stories, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  • FigFlow is currently developing features to integrate favorite tools and invite external stakeholders.


The benefits of using FigFlow are clear and impactful for product teams:

  1. Efficiency: Drastically reduce the time spent writing user stories and prepping for development sprints.
  2. Clarity: Refine user stories to ensure that all team members have a clear understanding of what is being built.
  3. Insight: Product managers can easily communicate product requirements and insights with stakeholders.
  4. Smooth Design-to-Development Transition: Designers can generate user stories with ease, making the transition from design to development more fluid.
  5. Collaboration: The platform facilitates collaboration among all members of the product team, including external stakeholders.
  6. Language Support: FigFlow welcomes users from around the world, supporting multiple languages including English, Dutch, French, and more.


FigFlow’s pricing details are not specified on the provided content. However, it encourages potential users to join the waitlist, indicating that more information may be available upon release or upon request.


While specific reviews are not available from the content provided, the outlined features of FigFlow suggest it could be a game-changer for product teams looking to enhance their workflow. The ability to integrate directly with Figma and generate user stories and acceptance criteria through AI assistance can save countless hours, allowing teams to focus on refining and executing their development plans.


FigFlow is poised to transform the way product teams work, bridging the gap between design and development with AI-powered efficiency. With its array of features geared towards enhancing collaboration and streamlining the product creation process, FigFlow is a tool that could redefine the product development landscape. By joining the waitlist, teams can take the first step towards a more integrated and efficient future.

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