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Pricing: #Freemium

DailyLetter is an innovative AI-powered newsletter service designed to streamline your news consumption by delivering personalized content straight to your inbox. This unique service adapts to your individual preferences, curating a mix of articles, videos, and podcasts to ensure you stay informed on topics that genuinely interest you. Whether it’s for staying ahead in business, keeping up with the latest technology, or following your favorite hobbies, DailyLetter promises to be the last newsletter you’ll ever need.

Features of DailyLetter

  • Personalized Content Curation: Tailored news selection based on your interests.
  • Dynamic Adjustment: Real-time adaptation to your evolving preferences.
  • Audio News Feature: Text-to-speech functionality for on-the-go news consumption.
  • Top News Highlights: Concise summaries of the most important news items.
  • Shareable Newsletter Links: Easily share news with your network.
  • Immediate Crucial Update: Real-time alerts for breaking news in your areas of interest.
  • Enhanced with Images and Videos (in development): Visually enriched news stories.
  • Customized News Reels (in development): Quick, personalized news snippets for fast updates.

How DailyLetter Works

  1. Sign Up: Register for the service to start receiving your daily personalized newsletter.
  2. Receive Your Newsletter: Get daily emails with a link to your tailored news content.
  3. Read or Listen: Choose whether to read your news or listen to it via the audio feature.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments and opportunities in your field.
  5. Share Knowledge: Use the shareable links to discuss recent news with friends and colleagues.

Benefits of Using DailyLetter

  • Time-Saving: Receive a curated news digest that keeps you informed without the time sink.
  • Relevance: Get news that matters to you, eliminating the noise of irrelevant information.
  • Accessibility: Access your news anytime, anywhere, and in the format that suits you best.
  • Informed Decisions: Stay ahead of the curve with updates that can lead to better decision-making.
  • Community Building: Share and discuss pertinent news items with your network.


  • Daily Personal Newsletter: $4/newsletter/month for a regular personalized news service.
  • Daily Personal Newsletter + Immediate Crucial Update: $7/newsletter/month for the added benefit of immediate updates on crucial news, ideal for first movers.


DailyLetter aims to transform the way we consume news by offering a tailored, efficient, and interactive experience. It addresses common issues such as information overload, wasted time, and the challenge of staying current in a fast-paced world. Through its innovative use of AI, DailyLetter provides a promising solution for those who value their time and wish to stay informed on their specific interests.


For anyone looking to cut through the clutter of today’s information landscape, DailyLetter offers a compelling service that personalizes the news experience. It’s not just about staying updated; it’s about staying updated in a way that respects your time, interests, and need for relevance. With features in development to further enhance user engagement, DailyLetter is poised to become an essential tool for news consumers who demand efficiency and personalization.

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