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Welcome to the innovative world of Quilter, where the future of printed circuit board (PCB) design is being reshaped. Quilter is a powerful tool designed for hardware teams at some of the world’s most innovative electronics companies. This platform simplifies the PCB design process, allowing for rapid iteration, optimization, and collaboration. Whether you’re designing for low-density boards or complex hardware, Quilter provides an end-to-end solution that helps transform ideas into fully optimized PCB designs efficiently.


Quilter comes packed with a range of features designed to enhance the PCB design process:

  1. Automated Placement and Routing: Automatically places components and routes traces, maintaining the integrity of manually created elements.
  2. Optimization for EMI and Manufacturing: Imports design constraints to optimize PCB designs for electromagnetic interference (EMI) performance and manufacturability.
  3. Generative Design Capabilities: Generates multiple high-quality design candidates in hours, all of which pass Design Rule Checks (DRC) with zero errors.
  4. Compatibility with Existing Tools: Works seamlessly with popular ECAD applications like Altium and KiCAD, accepting native file formats for easy integration.
  5. Comprehensive Design Exploration: Utilizes generative AI to explore numerous layout possibilities, ensuring that designs meet strict manufacturing tolerances.

How It Works

Quilter streamlines the PCB design process through a few straightforward steps:

  1. Design Your Schematic: Begin by designing your schematic using an ECAD application of your choice.
  2. Upload Your Design Files: Upload your schematic and board outline with a netlist, and let Quilter parse the design context.
  3. Define Your Constraints: Set any design constraints, such as dimensions and electrical requirements, which Quilter will respect during the design process.
  4. Generate Design Candidates: Quilter’s AI explores various layout possibilities, ensuring all designs comply with the set DRCs and manufacturing tolerances.
  5. Select and Download Your Design: Review the generated candidates, choose the best fit, and download the design for fabrication.


Quilter offers numerous advantages to hardware teams:

  1. Speed: Reduces the PCB design cycle from weeks to hours, allowing for faster iteration and development.
  2. Precision: Delivers highly optimized designs that meet specific manufacturing and performance criteria.
  3. Ease of Use: Provides a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with existing design tools.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Saves on engineering time and reduces the need for extensive manual corrections.
  5. Innovation Enablement: Supports creative design processes with advanced AI that generates multiple viable PCB layouts.


Quilter is incredibly accessible, especially during its beta phase:

  • Free Open Beta: Currently, Quilter is free to use while in open beta. No credit card is required to try the service.


Users have found Quilter to be a transformative tool in the PCB design landscape, praising its ability to significantly cut down design time and enhance the quality of the outputs. Its intuitive interface and robust AI-driven capabilities make it particularly popular among engineers looking to push the boundaries of electronics design.


Quilter is set to become an indispensable tool for electronics companies, from startups to established industry leaders. By automating and optimizing the PCB design process, Quilter not only saves time but also enhances the overall quality of the designs. As it continues to evolve, Quilter promises to keep introducing innovations that will define the future of PCB design technology.

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